Jetal & Ronak's Travel Diary

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hi friends,

This is my first post on my blog but it is not about travel. It is about a topic that we all should pay more attention to i.e. keeping all public places clean like we keep our houses.

3 days back i was returning back from one of my regular business trips to Goa. Had got my tickets confirmed in sleeper class (II nd) of Matsyagandha express which runs from Mangalore to Kurla Terminus (I was boarding from Madgaon). From the time I was waiting on the platfrom for the train to come till the end of train journey i noted some incidents which did not please me & might not please you as well. Here is a brief account of the incidents.

  • One Middle aged man (on the platfrom) threw empty tea cup on the tracks. The dustbin was just few meters away & so were the tracks where he threw the cup.
  • Middle aged Marwari Man (Was with his wife) after consuming food in his thermocole plate threw the same on the tracks & also spitted out of the window.
  • A young college going boy who was supposed to get down at Chiplun (& yes was reading a 1000 + page novel) threw his empty fruit dish out of the door on the tracks. I was very much dissapointed with this action of his consdering he is the future generation of India.
  • A young girl (Was Gujarati - by the way I am also Gujarati) may be 16 - 18 yrs of age after visiting the toilet did not bother to close the door.
  • The Catering guy (Pantry Car Waiter - they are employees of the contractor) in the train lighted a bidi & then went in the toilet to smoke. He was also dragging another of his colleague but he refused & I presume he must have gone in another toilet. Is Lalu listening ?

This are just some of the incidents I remember of our fellow countrymen dirtying public property & not treating the public property as their own. Do they throw dirt in their own house or office in the same manner. I am sure not. Then why liiter only public places.

Well I also consumed some food stuffs but I did not throw the litter In fact I carried the same all the way to my home & then threw it in the dustbin.

Those who litter in public places are you listening ?